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If I were to remake Funkeys, would you play it?

Cheat Codes

Here is a list of all the U.B. Funkeys Codes I have on record. If there are any I missed, please let me know through a comment or by e-mail at

1. SPROUTARBORETUM852- You get 5 new wall hangings and 75 coins
2. ILUVFUNKEYS345- Adds 50 coins to your total
3. WASABIPAGODA992- For 100 coins and a box of Exploding Whizbangs
4. FUNKEYSTOWNMUSEUM28- For 75 coins and a Chocolate Lava Lamp
5. 6786ALLWORKANDNOPLAY- For 50 coins and a Very Rare Insane Flaming Hoop
6. TIKIHUT327- For 50 coins and a war totem.
7. BOGGLEDEN129- For 75 coins and Ghost Flame Toilet
8. PONDERINGPARK453- For 75 coins and a Sonic Shield Generator
9. FALLOUTCOMPOUND358- For 75 coins and a Solid Gold Panel
10. KELPYBASIN4564- For 75 coins and a Chocolate Seaweed
11. DASCRATCHCLUB983- For 75 coins and a Platinum Record
12. RADICARULES4565- Very Rare Diamond Treasure Chest And 500 Coins
13. BOGGLETHEMIND2256- For 50 coins and a foul smelling bone chair
14. ROCKETWITHSPROCKET6588- For 25 coins and a Robot
15. TIKIWUBBA1154-Heartbeat drums and 75 coins
16. DRIFT4SPEED5477-Invisible engine and 50 coins
17. WHOISBANDIT8854-Very rare chiefs mask and 75 coins
18. WARNINGFALLOUT4458-Anti-matter generator and 50 coins
19. LAPUTASTATION4433-Black hole deflector and 50 coin
20. FUNKEYSTOWN6767-Very rare living gargoyle and 25 coins
21. ILOVEXENER2345-Invasion chair and 75 coins
22. MAYORSAYSOSAYSSO951-Very rare crystal ball and 50 coins
23. BONESCLUBHOUSE952-Velvet coffin and 75 coins
24. SOLISVERYHOT6589-Very rare rejuvinating spa and 75 coins