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If I were to remake Funkeys, would you play it?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

As Promised, My Updated Collection

So, the ones lined up on the floor in the back and the random cluster in the front are all my doubles. There is no Very Rare Snake Oiler in the picture because it got lost in moving, but I ordered another on Amazon a few minutes ago. Common Raj is also not in the picture because I brought him and a normal hub to college with me and didn't bring him home for spring break. I also have 2 more normal hubs, a Speed Racer hub, and a dream state hub not pictured. Hope you enjoy!!

A nice picture to show off the Dot!

You can see my custom Cruncher in this picture. His beard is starting to fall off... I'll have to fix that.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I really love the blog! I gave it a shoutout in my UB Funkeys videos :3

Unknown said...

woah this is an amazing collection! And i thought i had a lot. I hope people in this forum are still active. After years of trying to get UB Funkeys to work on my computer, i finally bought an old laptop and can finally play it!

Unknown said...

I recently had a huge moment of Nostalgia... just a day or two ago.. and I'm back into Funkeys! This game was just such an awesome game, and it still is. I found a copy of the 64 bit patch, hopefully I can make it work on my computer, my old computer has to stay plugged in all the time and the fan is loud. I just left my email profile pic as a funkey for all this time, lol