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If I were to remake Funkeys, would you play it?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Funk-Points and Funk-Cash

Okay, so you might have noticed that mutley is doing this thing called 'funk points'. We all know that roco is going to knock every one off- he already has 5 points and he comments so quickly (btw-funkeyfever and the speak easy have every funkey on the site) Anyways, I'm going to be starting a thing called Funk-Cash. This is how it works(btw thanks mutley for the idea) Every time you do me a favor or find out something new-or anything, really, I will award you with however many Funk-Cash I feel neccessary for your deed. Once you have enough Funk-Cash(10) you will be able to purchase a Funkey-Pet (which really is just a funkey). If you want a rare one it will be 12 Funk-Cash and for a very rare it will be 15 Funk-Cash. Once you purchase one(by email or comment) it will show up on the sidebar with your name and Funk-Cash under it. Not only will you be able to do that, but you can also purchase items and outfits for your Funk-Pet and they will show up on your picture! I will put up shop posts as soon as someone gets a Funk-Pet. Anyone following can play! Hope you have fun!