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If I were to remake Funkeys, would you play it?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hidden Realm Is Out!!!!

According to, the HR funkeys came out yesterday! I pre-ordered mine and they are expected to arrive on the 19th!!! I'm So excited!!!

P.S. Go Vote!!!!!!!!! Especially for PRISM!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG, OMG, OMG, (A 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 MOR OMG!!!!s L8R)*happy dance for 5 hours* That is awsome I have to get me one of those that is so awsome I can't wait till I get mine SO COOL by the way I forgot witch one did you preorder dosen't matter you could be the first person to get one congratz no if you'll excuse me OMG, OMG, OMG AWSOME, AWSOME, AWSOME.
-Funk on

Anonymous said...

Vote for prism I shall

Anonymous said...

* screams long and loud * OMG OMG OMG A 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 MORE OMGs!!!!!! Those are SO going on my Christmas List (Especially Yang and Bomble!)

FFM said...


Anonymous said...

I pre-ordered on Oct 9...Mine shows getting here tomorrow but not shipped yet :( I did read somewhere that Amazon showed release as Nov 15 but that was wrong & is going to be Dec 15 release date......

FFM said...

well my amazon thiny says mine is coming on Dec 3rd now so we'll see!

FFM said...

I finally got that new gem!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!

ps. VOTE!!!!!!!!!!