*Update* New percentage chart can be viewed on the Checklist page
I've noticed a LOTS a new peoples have answered the percentage chart poll. Turns out I already did that and if you scroll down some, you'll see it. If not then type 'percentage chart' in the search thingy at the top and it should show up. If you want me to put you on the chart then comment ON THE CHART or THIS POST and i'll do it A.S.A.P. Thanx! Happy blogging!
FFM I have many funkeys but if you must know then I'll tell you. I have...
all boggles
all pteps
all sols
all sprouts
all flurrys
all webleys
all drifts
all stichs
N. twinx R. twinx
N. wasabi R. wasabi
N. deuce R. deuce
racer x
canonball taylor
speed racer chim chim
N. lotas VR. lotas
N. fallout R. fallout
N. tiki VR. tiki
snake oiler
N. waggs R. waggs
N. nibble R.nibble
(57 funkeys plus 2 hubs)
All those funkeys I got from just visiting the stores when my dad goes shoping. Like I said you can get far in the collection without going funkey hunting.
great that's just as many as I have! Well no actually I just got a new one 5 mins ago so now I have 58. Cool I'll add you now!
When I posted my first comment with the list I actualy came home just from toys r us so I just got my very rare ptep.
I got a VR Lucky today & also won the bid for a Funkey Mousepad on Ebay today. You can see pic of it here: http://www.funkeyfanforum.proboards49.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=224
Now if I could just find a VR Snipe
Wow that's cool I hope they start to sell them in the stores by me I want one! Is that the only kind there is?
The mousepad? dunno - It seems to have been something at the Comic Com thing that had the Dots also (it was listed as Comic Com Dot Mousepad - I was searching ebay for dot & found it)
Also I think I have said it before but KUDOS again for getting your blog going strong!!!
ffm - sorry posting here again but on your screenshots it shows in faint letters something about **** (can't read that word) Version...What is that about? - are you doing the printscreen or using a program?
Thanks for visiting my site today FFM! Added your blog to my list of important links!
AKABBEY- I am using the program you told me about I have no idea what that says and I've tried getting rid of it. Josh couldn't do it either.
ROCKYCHA- You're welcome! I forgot I even left a comment there. You had me confused for a second! Then again, me and Josh get confused very easily. Hope you enjoy my blog and if you want I can put you on the Funkey Percentage Chart.
AKAABBEY again- Thanks, for your 'KUDOS'. Like I said I couldn't have done it if you didn't come so THANX!!!
I figured out what it says! It says 'UNREGISTERED VERSION' I guess that's cuz I'm not registered I'm just doing a trial thingie...
If gadwin it is free...wonder if you clicked a different link? - email me akaabbey@comcast.net & will explain it in more detail for the free one...frig I saved a cat from our dogs & she scratched the **** out of me!!!
lol srry bout that...
I got a Waggs, Lucky, Deuce, Bones, Sprocket & Berger Plush today!!
Can see them here:
hi! Could you plz add my funkey count on the percentage chart! ;) I have 36 funkeys which I believe its 31.3% thanks so much bye!! :0)
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